Stay Healthy and Save Money: The Online Campaign for the IK Superbonus and Optional Tariffs
Health insurance contributions will rise in 2025. For this reason, Innovationskasse (IK) has announced various ways in which its members can save money from 2025. These include the IK “Superbonus” and the IK Wahltarife (optional tariffs). These offers were to be communicated by us as part of a social media campaign on Instagram and Facebook as well as responsive display ads in the Google Display Network.
With the support of KI, we generated various innovative, appealing motifs and developed eye-catching headlines. Innovationskasse decided on three design routes from our compilation, whose motifs we implemented in the required formats for social media and the display ads.
The campaign achieved a high level of attention and a positive response from the target group, especially on social media. The appealing motifs and headlines helped to communicate IK's savings offers clearly and effectively. The combination of creative design and specific targeting strengthened the perception of Innovationskasse as a modern and customer-oriented provider.
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