The Sky is the Limit: #obenmitspielen is at the start!
Okay, okay. Who would have thought that chimney sweeping and German rap would go so well together? We did. And that's why we created the rap song and music video "#obenmitspielen" for the Central Association of German Chimney Sweeps (Zentralverband Deutscher Schornsteinfeger, ZDS).
The video was the centerpiece of the new 2021 trainee campaign and brought the coolness of the chimney sweep trade to all digital channels with thick beats and punchlines. It was produced in collaboration with VIBEKINGz and Benni Bock in Potsdam and created on the rooftops of Hamburg. The front man is rap talent Lewi. There was support from over 100 chimney sweeps from the ZDS and cult comedian Buddy Ogün made a brief celebrity guest appearance.
The song could be seen on YouTube, was available to listen to and download from all online streaming services and was also played out as an ad to the target group on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.
#obenmitspielen indirectly picked up on the benefits of the ZDS, from which trainees benefit during their training and exam preparation and beyond. If you are interested, all information on the services and the membership application can be found on the new ZDS landing page. Social media ads picked up on the individual topics and went into more detail about the various areas and services of the ZDS.
And what could be a more fitting date for the launch than Friday the 13th? If such a gigantic amount of lucky charms didn't make this day a lucky day, then we don't know, Digga.
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