Home Cases Alpina "pure farben" Product Range Launch

The New Color Collection for Millennials and Gen Z Gets a Tailored Digital Campaign


Alpina pure farben ("Pure Colors") is the new collection of 40 expressive matt wall colors that supports millennials and Gen Z in fulfilling their desire for self-realization, sustainability and reduction. 40 clear shades with clear, self-explanatory names and a division into 8 clear color families make it easier to choose the color that perfectly suits your own home and life. We were given the task of getting the target groups excited about Alpina pure colors – with eye-catching communication in a modern design and with a focus on clearly understandable, authentic messages.


We created an attention-grabbing and informative landing page that perfectly matched the self-explanatory concept of the color collection and perfectly attuned users to the colors. In addition, there were many impressions and inspirations that invited users to recreate the Alpina pure colors in their own four walls. The site was accompanied by a target group-specific and high-reach awareness campaign across all social media channels with inspirational images and videos and a competition as a strong prelude.


Over the period from July to September 2023, we helped Alpina puren farben achieve a strong digital presence on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. In the latter three social media channels, we used paid ads with image and video content to target the awareness campaign to specific target groups and genders. This enabled us to achieve a considerable reach with high impressions and interactions on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

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