Home Cases Baileys Ice Cream Relaunch

Back to Baileys: Relaunch of the Popular Ice Cream Brand


2022 was an important year for the popular Baileys Ice Cream and Deutsches Milchkontor (DMK): a complete relaunch of the product line in a "back to the roots" style was on the agenda. Of course, such a major change required a well-crafted communication strategy to inform and excite the target audience.


As of 2022, only the “Baileys Original” flavor will be available in cups and on sticks, and these two products needed to be showcased from their best side (little spoiler: they look extremely delicious from every angle 🤤). In a major photo shoot, we produced social media content for an entire year, ensuring that Baileys Ice Cream would remain in the minds (and mouths) of the target audience beyond the relaunch campaign at the turn of the year.


Speaking of the target group!


A lot has happened here, too. The focus is now on the United Kingdom. It’s good that we have a social media team on-site in London, whose expertise has allowed us to better tailor the content to the local ice cream culture.


What came out of it? Top-quality content that makes your mouth water and keeps the brand’s Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram channels looking super cool for an entire year.

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