Home Cases MILRAM Design Relaunch

A New Look and Feel for MILRAM: The Brand Becomes More Modern and Casually North German


DAVIES MEYER was tasked with a new brand design for MILRAM, the main brand of Deutsches Milchkontor (DMK). The new look-and-feel was intended to give MILRAM's brand presence – from the website to the social media channels – a modern appearance and make it more attractive to younger target groups.


The previously used motif of the thatched roof house has now been replaced by the "Strandbude" ("beach hut") as the new key visual. The beach hut, a type of kiosk typical for the islands and beaches along the North Sea coast, brought a breath of fresh air to the brand, making it appear more modern and appealing to a younger target group. The 'North German casual style' associated with the beach hut visual also set the tone for MILRAM's social media presence from then on, and was complemented by inspiring recipe ideas. Additionally, the redesign was accompanied by a new brand book for the "Dairy" and "Non-Dairy" areas.


With the new brand positioning, MILRAM's overall appearance became more appealing. The recipes were highly received by the target groups, and the addition of moving image elements brought the website and social media posts to life with the required level of dynamism. The relaxed message behind the new appearance was clear: Do what’s good for you in the North German casual way and listen to your gut!

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