Home Cases MILRAM EM-Rezepte-Kampagne 2024

Make It the Perfect Game - with the MILRAM Snack Ideas for the European Championships


We should use the 2024 European Championship as an opportunity to showcase MILRAM as the perfect host for private football-watching events thanks to the many matching recipe inspirations. This was to be done using a landing page and an accompanying newsletter. The brand positioning “lightness, community, listening to your gut and enjoying the simple things” was to resonate clearly in the campaign, with the focus on the variety of products and recipes as well as the many possible uses of MILRAM products.


We designed and implemented a landing page that focused on the topic of “community” and made people want to discover and try out lots of delicious snack ideas. True to the motto: “Don't worry so much about the event, just invite people, enjoy the time with your friends and have fun.” There was also an appealing newsletter to promote the campaign.


The recipe landing page combined delicious recipes and products (from both the “Green” and “Blue” ranges) and targeted community feedback. The recipe landing page is the basis for further recipe pages planned for the end of 2024 and throughout 2025.

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