Home Cases MILRAM "FRIESEN Drink" Campaign

FRIESEN Drink Campaign


We support MILRAM in communicating the change of name from Kefir Drink to FRIESEN Drink and package redesign. In addition to the PR campaign we supply social media postings on Facebook and Instagram and bundle all the content created before and during the campaign on an interactive landing page. The landing page is getting the user in a relaxed mood to communicate the product’s claim „Gelassenheit auf Norddeutsch“ (north german serenity) in a credible way. Several new implemented website modules deliver the best user experience and make the FRIESEN Drink landing page to an outstanding part of the MILRAM web appearance. Of course, all our digital action fits precisely with the pr action to guarantee an uniform appearance of FRIESEN Drink in print, web and social media. This makes us a reliable partner for agency-overlapping projects

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