Home Cases MILRAM "Pans for friends" Raclette Campaign

Raclette Campaign “Pans for Friends”


Raclette only on New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve? “That’s nonsense,” says MILRAM’s “Pfännchen für friends” campaign, which we accompany with a landing page, raffle action page and social media activities. The aim: to get raclette as a favourite dish from the holiday niche and create awareness for MILRAM self-service cheese and quark with herbs. On the landing page we’ve created, we introduce different raclette types and link relevant MILRAM products to the recipe belonging to each type. We help the user to plan his next pan party with an intuitive “raclette calculator”. We support the on-pack promotion on the MILRAM cheese packaging, which is linked to the campaign, with a raffle promotion page where the winning codes can be entered. To accompany the website activities, we turned the MILRAM social media channels into a world full of raclette inspiration that encourages interaction with the brand and its products. The full load of digital power for North German relaxed raclette enjoyment!

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