Home Cases MILRAM "Protein WOW" Influencer Challenge

Plenty of Protein Power for the New Year – with MILRAM


Every year, the „Shaping High Season“ starts directly after the Christmas holidays. Everyone wants to get rid of the extra kilos on the scales and hips quickly. Healthy, balanced, and above all protein-rich nutrition is then at the top of the „to eat list“.  The perfect time for the MILRAM Protein WOW Challenge. The hero product – clearly, the Cottage Cheese from MILRAM, which complements any meal plan with its versatility and nutritional values. 


We further developed the protein WOW concept of the PR agency Pony & Blond and adapted it for the digital world. For the recipe challenge, we invited three influencers to present their favorite protein recipe with the MILRAM cottage cheese in a reel and send it off into the race. The MILRAM community could vote for their favorite recipe and thus have the chance to win one of three exclusive Protein WOW prize boxes. 


The campaign was aired on the website as well as on the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest and was also integrated into the MILRAM newsletter. The aim was to put stronger focus on the product Cottage Cheese and its versatility with delicious recipe ideas in order to get the fitness– and recipe-savvy target group enthusiastic about the topic of „snacking“. 


Our conclusion: WOW – what an exciting and successful challenge that was a lot of fun not only for us, but also for thousands of voting participants. 

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