Home Cases MILRAM Veganuary 2025

Vegan United: The MILRAM "100% Plant-Based" Campaign in Veganuary 2025


After our successful start in Veganuary 2024, we are continuing the campaign in January 2025 for MILRAM 100% plant-based products. With this campaign, we aim to build on last year’s momentum and adopt the claim, attitude, and product-first approach. The mission: To inspire even more people to embrace a plant-based diet and strengthen the community – true to the motto: "We celebrate the WE in VeganYEAHry!"


On our landing page, we captivated users with plenty of delicious and, most importantly, vegan recipes, our two influencers over 60, Gabi and Addi, and of course, our cool Social Wall. On the wall, users could share their vegan moments and simultaneously participate in a giveaway. The best post was selected and awarded via social media.


A great and engaging campaign that successfully connected our website with social media while driving significant traffic to both channels.

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