Home Cases Humana "Heritage" Branding Campaign

"Heritage" Branding Campaign


Humana has been a reliable and trusted partner to parents and their children for more than 70 years. With the Heritage campaign, we are leveraging this unique history to strengthen Humana's brand image with the target audience while increasing awareness of Humana. 


Two complementary videos are the centerpieces of the campaign, which runs on Facebook and Instagram. By combining prominent placement of the Humana branding with a direct, emotional introduction to the brand story, we were able to increase Humana's brand awareness and loyalty among the target audience. 


The campaign objectives developed together with the client were fully met and in some cases even exceeded. With a reach of more than 2.6 million, the campaign helped to anchor the consistency of the values of quality and safety in Humana's brand essence in the minds of the target audience. 

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