Home Cases MILRAM "No Fuss, Just Fire" Barbecue Campaign

Barbecue Campaign “No Fuss, Just Fire”


Pulled pork cooked for hours, perfectly layered coal and shop talk about cooking times? Nope – in the north, you only need a few good friends, a quick fire and simple recipe ideas that work in the twinkling of an eye. The feeling of the North German relaxed barbecue brings the campaign "Nich’ lang fackeln" ("No Fuss, Just Fire") to the point and thus creates awareness for year-round barbecuing and the MILRAM quark with herbs.


We support the PR campaign, whose face is star chef and grill expert Brian Bojsen, with an interactive landing page, in whose header a search game is integrated. In this way, the user is introduced to the content in a playful way and rewarded with participation in a competition once the information has been recorded. The landing page is accompanied by four articles in the MILRAM Freshness Blog and social media activities on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, which we were also responsible for designing and implementing.

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