Home Cases MILRAM "Für schmucke Deerns & Kerls" Digital Campaign

Digital Campaign „Für schmucke Deerns & Kerls“


Sports and good, protein-rich nutrition can be seen directly in the "schmucken Deerns & Kerls" in northern Germany. They are role models for the MILRAM target group, which we have shared with the implementation of the digital campaign "Für schmucke Deerns & Kerls" ("For Dapper Young Women & Men") in spring 2020. We rely on a clear, informative landing page, and extensive social media activation on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


On the mobile-optimized landing page the user swipes through the content areas "Exercise on the coast" with typical northern German sports, "Fit recipes" with delicious bowls and one-pot creations, and "Protein heroes" with the sportiest fitness Food from MILRAM. On Pinterest, we published our recipes "Full speed ahead" and gave our 1.4 million monthly viewers a lot of food inspiration. On Instagram, we quickly turned our bowls into a competition in which the MILRAM followers could guess a missing ingredient in order to win a fitness package.


All in all, with our fit digital campaign MILRAM was able to position itself even more strongly as an important protein supplier around the theme of ​​"fitness for everybody".

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