Home Cases MILRAM "Say It with a Cheese Sandwich" Digital Campaign

Digital Campaign „Say It with a Cheese Sandwich“


A lot of storytelling, a lot of user-generated content, and of course a lot of cheese - for MILRAM we created the "Sag’s mit einem Käsebrot“ campaign that started in February 2020 on MILRAM.de and the MILRAM social media channels. The idea behind it: A cheese sandwich is not just a cheese sandwich. Every creation can convey a message or just a feeling and can be remembered as a story for a long time.


As an inspiration for all cheese sandwich fans, we developed various sandwich stories around the topics of love, friendship, and family for our landing page, each of them is linked to a creative cheese sandwich recipe. On Instagram, users were asked to put together their own (digital) cheese sandwich from several ingredients and to give their creation a creative name. For this, MILRAM fans could simply use a story template we had designed.


A lot of fun that was very well received by the community and brought us a lot of user-generated content to share - and the happy winner of our competition a romantic vacation for two on the beautiful Baltic Sea coast.

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