Home Cases Schwarzkopf Professional OSiS+ Style Loft

"OSiS+ Style Loft" Social Media Content


1 loft, 2 well-known hairdressers, 3 international micro-influencers and right in the middle of it – the related OSiS + long hair texture styling series from Schwarzkopf Professional. For two days, the team produced educational lifestyle content for the company’s own social media channels as well as for the channels of the Influencer.


Thus, at the end of a well-thought-out concept of indoor and outdoor film production with subsequent post-production, the result is more than impressive: The B2B and B2C target groups were then able to enjoy the unique signature styles of the hair experts and the specially created styles of the influencers with the OSiS+ products on Schwarzkopf Professional’s Instagram Account. Many in the Instagram feed as well as in Instagram stories, there were pre and post stories of the event, all experienced day and night look as well as inspiring tutorials and stills. Exciting interviews with the hairdressers accompanied the content in an authentic way and, together with professional YouTube tutorials, served other hairdressers as stimulating impulses for their various work.


The project enjoyed great popularity in all target groups. Although the content on Instagram was only posted organically, it generated over 730,000 impressions, while the YouTube tutorial achieved a total reach of 390,000 with an average of 28,000 views!

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