Home Cases Doritos & Lay’s Branding Lanxess Arena

Doritos & Lay’s Branding Lanxess Arena!

Cologne is not only home to the cathedral, but also to the Lanxess Arena, affectionately known by locals as the Kölnarena. DAVIES MEYER was commissioned by PepsiCo to brand the sales booths in the foyer of the arena to whet visitors’ appetites for pre-show snacks. The approach was to develop individual designs for three stands: the “Crunch Kiosk”, the “Pommes Area” and the “Snack Zone”. Each design was specifically tailored to Doritos and Lay’s, showcasing the chips and tortillas at their tastiest to encourage visitors to crunch.


Crunchst de ejne met?


But it wasn’t just the design of the stands that was impressive: the cheeky Cologne and English slogans also resonated with both the local audience and the international visitors.


Whether one preferred Lay’s or Doritos ultimately came down to personal taste. Nevertheless, the campaign proved to be a resounding success, bolstering PepsiCo’s brand presence in the Lanxess Arena and leaving a lasting impression on visitors.

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