Home Cases Lay's "Your Snack for the Match" Digital Campaign

Digital Campaign „Dein Snack fürs Match“


Whether at football, at the party or a movie night with friends - crisps are always part of it! In order to strengthen the pairing of the Lay's Core varieties with these enjoyment moments, we have created the digital campaign "Dein Snack fürs Match". With catchy comparisons like "Lay’s gehört zu Fußball ... wie das Runde ins Eckige." or "Lay's gehört zur Party ... wie der Kater zum Morgen." we call the successful crisps brand into the minds of the consumers. The campaign framework is provided by four YouTube BumperAds created by us that have also been adapted for social media. For the creative implementation we worked together with a speaker who underlined our message acoustically. A composition that turned out to be successful: Our YouTube Ads achieved impressive results both in ad recall and brand consideration, showing us that you can also get women excited with a football commercial. The Brand Lift Study proves that successful campaigns are part of DAVIES MEYER, as Lays is part of football.

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