Home Cases Pepsi MAX Taste Challenge Campaign

Campaign “Taste Challenge”

MAXimum taste on tour! In 2019, Pepsi MAX again called for the big Taste Challenge. On 42 campaign days in 31 different locations – including festivals such as Rock am Ring and shopping centers in Berlin, Frankfurt and Leipzig – Pepsi had its sugar-free cola compete against the best-selling competitive product. At the start of the campaign, we created an eye-catching interactive landing page with dynamic tour data and a map view to provide the user with information about the tour with the best experience. We accompanied them with Facebook and Instagram ads as well as Instagram stories in order to achieve additional brand awareness for the fairly new product in the stylish black can. In order to create additional trial moments beyond the tour, we also supported them with a cashback campaign, which also was made via an adaptation of the Taste Challenge Landing Page. In this phase we were able to guarantee Pepsi MAX one thing: Awareness, Awareness, Awareness! But not only our communication, the product also seems to have convinced Germany: Pepsi MAX prevailed against Cola Zero with 58%. A reason to celebrate – of course with the Pepsi MAX Community on Instagram & Facebook, as well as on our dynamic landing page, which we redesigned for the winner communication. Lively picture galleries as a recap of the tour created additional confidence in the meaningfulness of the Taste Challenge and already made you want to see the coming year. One thing has been shown: MAXimal commitment leads to MAXimal success – also in digital communication!

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