Home Cases Diamant Zucker Community Launch

Diamant Zucker Community

Pfeifer & Langen is one of the largest sugar producers in Germany. Its popular "Diamant Zucker" retail brands can be found in hundreds of thousands of households, and the company maintains a large network of B2B customers as well as a particularly close and sustainable relationship with the farmers who grow the important sugar beet. 


A thousand ideas that will sweeten your day 


Pfeifer & Langen offers the full range of sugar products – from classic refined sugar to powdered sugar and cane sugar. With the Diamant Community, Pfeifer & Langen shows just how versatile these essentials are in every well-equipped kitchen. In addition to many delicious recipes, the content platform offers an incredible amount of added value such as e-books, labels and templates to take your own baking creations to the next level. 


Every few weeks, there is a new batch of oven-fresh content that keeps visitors coming back to the Pfeifer & Langen brand world. Competitions and influencer collaborations are used to generate leads and reach new target audiences that contribute to the brand's growth. 

In addition to the maintenance of the Diamant Community website, we also take care of the strategic direction and further development of the Diamant Community and support Pfeifer & Langen in ensuring that the increased traffic and customer loyalty contribute to the retail performance. 


The result: We couldn't have asked for a better start, welcoming 1,000 subscribers to our community in the first week – without any advertising. We now have nearly 14,200 registered users. 



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