Home Cases Diamant Zucker "Happiness is homemade" Campaign

Happiness Is Homemade – With Diamant Zucker!


Sugar isn’t just sugar. It’s much more than that: sugar is an ingredient, which helps us create unique moments. Because with sugar we make cakes, pies, colorful muffins, and sweet pastries, enjoy our coffee or tea, invent and create liqueurs and cocktails as well as jams and fruit spreads according to our taste. 


Sugar makes us share moments of joy, because you don’t eat the whole cake alone or spoon out the glass of jam all by yourself. These moments when we enjoy our homemade delicacies are always connected with our loved ones. Our family, our friends. These are moments of pleasure, sensation – special moments which sweeten our everyday lives. 


From this thought our „Happiness is homemade“ campaign was born. With its versatile products, „Diamant Zucker“ gives us the opportunity to create these moments over and over again. 


With the new image campaign „Diamant Zucker“ wants to communicate these moments of joy and sensation to its customers and show how much love is involved in baking, gelling, and sweetening – and thus consolidate itself as a sympathetic brand in the consumers’ minds. 


In the course of the year, DAVIES MEYER therefore developed various campaign motifs, which take up the „Happiness is homemade“ motto, combining social experiences and product usage as core pillars of the communication, with slightly varying content depending on the topic. 


DAVIES MEYER created and shot the motifs in collaboration with photographer Benjamin Bock and used them for various campaign themes. The campaign is not only played online and on the website, but also on 18/1 bill-boards, at the POS, in print ads, in retail market communication, and, of course, in all social media channels. 



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