Home Cases Shell deli2go Coffee Lead Campaign

Coffee Lead Campaign 2017-2018


In the course of the “competence offensive” and even before the start of the actual campaign, we revised the Shell website. The brand deli2go got its own subpage, which now offers a lot of important and interesting information about deli2go coffee.


To support the campaign at the POS, there were different sales-promoting measures and campaigns, such as the “Tasting Weeks” and the “Get Your Cup” and “Free Refill” activities. For these campaigns, we also developed accompanying videos and print materials for in-store communication.


For the coffee campaign in 2018, we then designed the “Coffee Lottery Cup”, which was used from then on as the most important medium for brand communication. On the cup, all the most important lottery prizes were listed and with its trendy design, the cup stood out clearly from the deli2go cups commonly used.

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