Home Cases Bahco BandCalc™ Web Application

BandCalc™ Web App

A buzzing blessing – the Bahco BandCalc web app

This might not sound very profound, but: There are a LOT of different saw blades. And no matter whether you are a family enterprise or big company, finding the right one for the job at hand can be quite time-consuming. Well, it used to be. Now, the Bahco BandCalc™ bandsaw calculator helps you find the right blade quickly and easily.

Our interdisciplinary team created an intuitive and highly performant tool backed by powerful technology and all the wealth of Bahco's insight into the process. The tool allows for full customization of all important parameters and our careful interaction design ensures easy handling of the tool despite this wide array of options.


Calculated success 

Part of the goal was to make the connected purchase process and decision as easy as possible for users of the application. The first step to ensure the highest possible user satisfaction is an integrated product comparison feature. The results can also be exported as a PDF file for easy sharing with ones team and if the user is happy with the product they found they can simply request a quote for the product they want. And of course, all your settings and informations can be saved if you create an account.

Our final (and super unbiased) verdict: An awesome service where we pooled together all our expertise in concept, development and project management to create an application with lots of customer and client value.


About Bahco

The tool manufacturer with the iconic fish-and-hook logo stands for highest quality products since 1886. Renowned for their innovations since the very beginning, they continue to set industry standards as part of the SNA Europe family to this day.

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