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„Nature Positive“ Campaign

Climate change won’t wait: global climate catastrophes, increasing CO2 pollution in our atmosphere and rising global warming show that it is high time to take action. However, acting in a climate-neutral way is no longer enough for our planet – nor is it enough for our client The Generation Forest. Their mission: to act together as a strong community nature positive and to do more than just offset CO2. With more than 5,000 supporters, the cooperative sustainably strengthens the resilience of nature, society and our planet. 


The overarching “nature positive” testimonial campaign arose from this holistic approach. Together with The Generation Forest, we raised awareness of the concept, which is still unknown compared to climate neutrality, and emphasized the urgency of joint action and ecological change. To this end, a thematically appropriate landing page, various social media assets and Google Ads were implemented. For the first time, relevant influencers were also involved in order to reach the target audience. 


The Generation Forest offers its members the opportunity to combine ecology, economy and social responsibility in a unique way with the sustainable reforestation of tropical forests in Panama – and to act nature positive. Over time, its innovative generation forest concept creates a diverse forest that provides valuable ecosystem services for our planet, creates fair jobs for local people and generates a green return for its members through the sustainable sale of certified tropical timber. 


In addition to implementing various campaigns, we also maintain The Generation Forest website and produce content on climate change and its consequences, green investments, CO2 compensation and much more for the magazine and social media accounts. 

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