Home Cases The Generation Forest Christmas Campaign

Christmas Campaign


During the Advent season in particular, many Germans donate to charity, get involved in social projects, and are increasingly choosing ecological gifts for the Christmas table. That’s why, in the winter of 2021, we launched the campaign “For Christmas, I’m investing in a green future – with a gift that outgrows itself” with the Hamburg-based climate protection cooperative The Generation Forest (TGF). 


The idea: to encourage as many people as possible to purchase or give away cooperative shares in order to reforest, permanently maintain and protect an additional 1,000,000 m² of permanent tropical forest in climate-friendly Panama by the end of the year. This will bind an additional 2,000 tons of the climate-damaging greenhouse gas CO2 per year. An important step in the fight against climate change – and towards a green future. 


At the heart of the campaign was a landing page (https://thegenerationforest.com/weihnachten-mit-impact/) which not only provided all the important information, but also contained a barometer that showed how many square meters of rainforest had already been reforested with the help of the new members. The campaign was supported by social media posts on high-reach platforms and banner ads in online publications with an affinity for the target audience. 


About The Generation Forest 


The Generation Forest is planting tropical forests in Panama to counteract ongoing deforestation – and to remove CO2 from the atmosphere with its generation forests. In this way, they actively combat climate change, improve the living conditions of local employees through sustainable forestry under fair conditions and at the same time generate a green dividend for the members of the cooperative. 

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