Home Cases Lipton Website-Relaunch
  • PepsiCo Lipton Website-Relaunch

Ice-Cold Refreshment With a Cool Look: The New Lipton Website


Hot or cold? For Lipton’s target audience, Gen Z, the answer was clear: preferably ice-cold. This led to the solution of completely separating the product lines Lipton Hot Tea and Lipton Ice Tea. Our task was to create a website for Lipton Ice Tea that is relevant to the target audience.


The main goal was to create a modern and appealing website with more images and vibrant colors to attract a younger audience. At the same time, we wanted to learn more about the users’ relationship with the product, so we developed an attention-grabbing and entertaining quiz. Users click through seven questions, accompanied by animated memes. Based on their choices in the quiz, we determine the product that best matches their preferences. In the end, we gain valuable insight into the users’ interests while they receive their perfect match – a personalized Lipton Ice Tea recommendation.


Since the relaunch of the website, we have achieved a total of 103,944 clicks and 4.94 million impressions in the SERPs. The website impressed not only the users, but also the jury of Deutscher Agenturpreis (German Agency Award). In 2023, DAVIES MEYER was honored as "Winner" in the category "B2C/Film [Showreel]" for its outstanding work on the relaunch of the Pepsi Lipton website.

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